After Effects Tutorial

//After Effects Tutorial

After Effects: Element 3D – Flickering Black Box Fix

So today I thought I would update my Pre-roll to have some COD: Black Ops 2 elements for some upcoming videos I have in mind. I fired up After Effects as usual and made some changes to the pre-roll, no biggie. However, when I went to go render it, as I have before, I noticed [...]

By |2016-10-18T17:30:09+00:00February 26th, 2013|After Effects, After Effects Tutorial|0 Comments

After Effects: Color Correcting WoW Characters

Have you ever watched a World of Warcraft machinima and thought to yourself, "This character doesn't look like it belongs in the scene". Today we're going to look at some color correcting techniques to make your World of Wacraft character look like it belongs in the scene. I plan on making  tutorials on how to color correct [...]

After Effects: Adding Shadows to WoW Characters

Today we're going to talk about how to add shadows to your WoW Characters to make your Machinima and game play videos really standout! In this tutorial I go over three methods of having shadows to a clip or object. These methods are basic but effective. In the future I will be making another tutorial [...]